I was afraid to share this adventure, but there is so much I want to show you. Look around and see nothing but awe inspiring magnificence closing in on you; Mountains, trees, water, freedom. I want you to smell untouched fresh air, feel your hair whipping around your face and sticking to your lip gloss because all the windows are down. I want you to hear the music blaring and consuming you. Reach for the hand next to you, squeeze it, and feel light.
This is where I am heading, the view is dazzling, and I would love for you to come with me. I’m on a mission to feel more, to shed the heavy shroud of seeing myself through other people’s eyes. I want you to feel the same courageous spirit building zealously within you that led me here. let me show you what the world looks like through my eyes and my images.

My name is Brittney. I’ve played many roles; Beauty Queen, Barre Teacher, Social Media Advisor, cat mom, Seattle native, California girl, Creative, violinist, survivor, comedian, sweetheart. My past roles will be my compass as I carve out the role of adventurer.
It’s time to get the halo dirty. This is my view: The Blonde’s Eye View.